Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday night dinner

So Wednesday I was bad and went out for dinner because I was so tired, Justin worked until 9pm and I just didn't feel like cooking. But tonight I made steak, mashed potatoes, and sauteed mushrooms. Justin barbecued the steak while I made everything else.

Mashed potatoes
4 small red skin potatoes
1 tbs butter or to taste
4 tbs goat cheese
1 tbs milk

You can peel your potatoes if you want but I prefer to leave the skin on because that is where most of the nutritional value is. Boil your potatoes until they are cooked, you will know they are coked when a knife is inserted and the potato slides off. Add the butter, cheese, milk and mash them to the desired consistency.
Normally I don't use goat cheese I like to use cream cheese and sour cream with no butter but I didn't have so I used what I did. They weren't bad but I didn't put in enough butter or milk so they were kind of dry. The mushrooms on the other had were great. I love mushrooms and could have just eaten them for dinner.

Sauteed Mushrooms
10 to 15 champagne mushrooms
1 - 2 tbs butter
1-2 medium sized garlic cloves

Heat a frying pan on medium high heat. Mince your garlic and add them to the butter in the frying pan.

When the butter starts to bubble add your mushrooms but don't crowd them, they won't brown if you crowd them.
If you do crowd them don't worry they will still cook and taste great, they will just be pale like this ...
I crowded mine :(
Over all it was a good dinner.

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