Monday, January 3, 2011


Paninis are one of my favourite things to make because you can put just about anything you can imagine in them. I love a good goat cheese and roasted vegetable panini or a  Swiss cheese and roast beef panini. Its much easier to make a panini if you have a panini maker but two heavy cast iron frying pans heated will work as well. A good loaf of crusty Italian bread is best but a few day old loaf of sour dough bread will work just as well. Slice the bread into thick slices. 
Put mustard, or mayonnaise on both slices of the bread and remeber to brush olive oil onto the sides of the bread that will be places on the grill. Put your first slice of bread on the grill and put a slice of cheese of your choice, just nothing to runny, onto the bread followed by your veggies or meat of choice.

Place another piece of cheese onto the meat and the other slice of bread. Close the panini press so that it squashes down the sandwich. Leave the paninis in for about 3 to 5 minutes depending on how hot your press gets. When golden brown remove from the press and enjoy :)

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