Monday, February 13, 2012

Gluten-free makeovers

Hello Everyone,
Sorry for the silence, lots going on with school, work, and life. I though for this post I would talk about my gluten intolerance. For the last 4 years or so I have had an intolerance to wheat but only recently decided to cut it out of my diet. I found Gluten-free Makeovers by Beth Hillson to be very helpful.

Beth Hillson was the founder of Gluten-Free Pantry and is currently Food Editor of Living Without magazine and President of the American Celiac Disease Alliance. Beth was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 1976, a time where there were not gluten-free options, recipes, or commercial products. After being diagnosed Beth went to culinary school where she learned that she could turn many of the recipes into gluten-free ones that she too could enjoy. This became the inspiration for this book.

Her book has four amazing flour substitutions that will make you question if they are really gluten free. They take a bit of time to make so I set aside an hour or so where I made large batches of all the flours. I found that this made me more inclined to use them. The flour will keep for a few months in air tight containers, so don't make more than you think you will use in. I found that getting the ingredients to make the flours at the bulk barn cut down on the coast but if you are Celiac or have a severe wheat allergy I recommend getting them from a place that does not have wheat flour.

I've noticed that this year seems to be the gluten-free year. I have seen a great deal of gluten-free cookbooks, magazines, specialty bakeries, and larger sections in grocery stores popping up. I don't know if this has anything to do with a new celebrity diet fad or just a recognition of the amount of people who can not handle wheat, but I know I am enjoying the new options and opportunities. 

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